Thursday, December 27, 2007

True Revolution in Search Engine

Search engines have entered the internet since time immemorial. I guess I was only in grade school or high school then. And today, they get even better and almost competing with one another when it comes to services. They are more focus on the traffic so do I. And as a blogger, I’d want my blogs to gain more traffic which I find it difficult at Google and Yahoo. It’s a good thing though that there’s another Search Engine that could offer me my wish. could definitely help me improve the already superior results by voting and commenting. Their CV rating system is far more democratic than the other’s page ranking system. This may surprise you, but this surprises me more since I am a blogger, I’d love to take advantage of their tool bar feature which is custom-made with their logo on it as well as for their readers, which can help me drive my own traffic. This is a true revolution in search engine, indeed.

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