Friday, December 14, 2007

New Haven Retouch

I didn’t go to work yesterday. And you may be wondering why. This isn’t new since we have been moving almost every 3 months from one house to another. Yes, you read it right. My hubby and I decided to move to another rented house, but this time with my mom and my youngest brother. So yesterday, we were all busy packing our stuffs and headed to our newly rented house. Hubby and I immediately hit for our painting job when we get there. At 4:00 p.m. we are almost done with our work, and I volunteered to arrange the stuffs. Well, the effort is paid off if you’ll take a look around the place. But there seems to be missing. So I thought on looking over the net to find home designs and accessories. Good thing, showed me the way to find great buys. I might as well find ways to get the bath mats, bed linen and the voile panels. I’m sure these will look great on our new haven. And I’m pretty sure too that my hubby will appreciate these stuffs when he get to see them inside the house. Oh, simple things like this can really make my day complete. And I’m already craving to have them so soon. I’ll show them to you when I already have them. Time for picture snapshot by then hahaha! But if you want to see them now, you just have to log into their site. They are just a few clicks, anyway.

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