Saturday, August 9, 2008

Magic of Victory Hair

The worst pick-up line that I ever heard so far was from my former boyfriend five years ago. “Will you marry me? You see, my brothers are pressuring me to have my own kids.” D’oh! What do you think of me, a baby maker? The next day I dumped him off my way. Though he cried a lot, I just laughed at the thought that he’s desperate to have his own family at the age of 21 only while me 18 years old then.

Anyway, it was a long time ago and I knew it very well what most men have to say to catch their girls. And I found something new interesting thing that you will surely love. It’s the famous Victory Hair. Have you heard about it? Well, the story started when two people, a good-looking man and woman who both achieved a sexy-looking hair. But when MAGIC came to attack them, their hair suddenly messed up. To cut the story short, victory hair came in to rescue.

To experience the same magic, log on to Ultimate Flirting Championship and share to us how your game went on at Extreme Style by VO5.

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