Sunday, July 6, 2008

I Need a Hair Treatment

I must admit that I regret the time when I had cut my hair short. How I wish I can have back my long, silky straight hair when I was still pregnant. Honestly, it’s some kinda funny because a lot of people have been saying that when a woman is pregnant, the calcium in her body is absorbed by the baby so she tends to lose a healthy hair and teeth. This luckily didn’t happen to me when I was pregnant. As a matter of fact, my hair then was so smooth and silky.

And so I just settle myself, looking at my picture where I still had my long hair. If only I could turn back time, I’d surely keep my hair that way. Now that my hair is getting dry, I am in a hurry to find for a best buy to treat this; otherwise, I might just go to a salon again to have it treated which for sure will cost me a lot.

But I need not lose hope because just came in on time. It offers a wide variety of hair shampoos and conditioners for all hair types. And since mine is dry to normal hair type, I would not hesitate to grab their Bumble and bumble Alojoba Shampoo and of course, it won’t work alone if without the Bumble and bumble Alojoba Conditioner.

These are really a must-have for me, and for sure, you also need them. Take a look and find the ones that would definitely suit your hair type.

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