Monday, February 11, 2008

I was Tagged by Shammy

FIVE random things:

5 Things Found in my Bag

1. wallet
2. signpen
3. receipts
4. comb
5. make-up kit

5 Things Found in my Wallet

1. paper bills
2. ATM card
3. EON Visa
4. EON Pin Slip
5. Raffle Coupon

5 Things Found in my Room

1. twin roll-bed mattress
2. monobloc drawer
3. desktop PC
4. electric fan
5. Office Desk

5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do

1. Travel around the world
2. Shopping Galore
3. Sleep
4. meditation
5. Monetized Blogging

5 Things I am Currently Into

1. monetized blogging
2. work and work-at-home
3. trying to be a mom to my kiddo
4. trying to be a wifey to my hubby
5. trying to be a responsible eldest sister and daughter

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